Expeditions: Gears of Corruption - Ironclad Edition

Stonemaier Games

Regular price $79.99

The Gears of Corruption expansion to Expeditions adds elements of risk and danger in the form of secret bonuses on map tokens and a corrupted mech that roams the land. To counter these threats, the expansion offers 2 new mechs and 4 new character/companion pairs, as well as components for a 6th player. Gears of Corruption also accelerates early gameplay by giving players starting resources and a hero worker that can act as any type of worker.


The Gears of Corruption expansion is available in a standard version (plastic mechs and 1 plastic base snap) and an Ironclad Edition (metal mechs, 6 rubber base snaps to update the originals, and foil on the box). The expansion’s contents are all designed to fit into the original box insert.

  • 1 rulebook
  • 2 large mech miniatures and base snaps (the mech bases are 50mm wide and the snaps are 51mm wide; mechs are plastic in the standard version and metal in the Ironclad version)
  • 7 mech mats (2 new mats and 5 dual-layered mats to replace the originals)
  • 16 new map tokens (each with a secret bonus on the face-down side)
  • 6 hero workers
  • 8 starting cards (63x88mm)
  • 6 discovery cards (63x88mm)
  • 7 mech cards (63x88mm)
  • 12 corruption cards and 1 corrupted mech reference card (63x88mm)
  • components for a 6th player: power, guile, glory, and action tokens
  • 6 silkscreen printed corruption tokens
  • a robust Automa solo mode (5 progress cards, 1 corrupted mech reference card, 1 rulebook)